Call for Papers

Instruction for authors

The deadline for oral abstract submission has been extended to April 18th, 2022. The deadline for Poster abstract submission is May 16th, 2022.

Abstracts must include the title of the contribute, name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) and an e-mail address for correspondence. The abstract should report the substantive problem and the data analyzed, as well as the approach and models used. Also include a clear statement of the main results and conclusions and the key references. The workshop language is English.

Please use the provided TEMPLATE_IWSM_2022.ZIP to create abstracts. The accepted length for abstract submission is 4 pages. Once the abstract has been reviewed after the first submission, the authors can provide a longer abstract of no more than 6 pages.

After having created your 4-page abstract with the provided  style files, you can submit the compiled pdf to the Google Form below. 

The presenting author must also specify whether he/she is a student who can automatically compete for one of the students’ awards (see below for further students’ information and awards). 

REVIEW STEP: the abstract will be reviewed and sent back to the authors within Tuesday 17th, May 2022. At this stage, authors are required to review their abstract and allowed to submit their revised version. Due to the limited number of oral presentations, some authors who have submitted an abstract for an oral presentation might be asked to switch to a submission for a poster presentation instead.

NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: the authors will be notified about abstract acceptance some days after the reviewed submission.

Registration and payment (for at least one of the paper co-authors) are requested before submitting the final manuscript

All the accepted abstracts will be included in the online Workshop Proceedings (with regular ISBN).

Information for students

The SMS and IWSM strongly encourage students to submit posters and papers.

Therefore, some awards and some travel grants are provided.

We strongly recommend that contestants check in advance the documentation required to come to Italy (VISA) and the actual COVID-19 rules.

Check on Italian Foreign Ministry ( if you need a VISA (we suggest to indicate ‘Tourism’ as reason to Visit).

Students attending the Workshop have the possibility to compete for the Best IWSM 2022 Student Paper, the Best IWSM 2022 Student Poster and the Best IWSM 2022 Student Presentation.

To be considered for these awards, the author must declare in the submission Google Form to be a student. A confirmation will be required during the registration process.


Abstracts, for both poster and oral presentation, must be prepared using the style file iwsm.sty and the template file templateIWSM2022.tex. The file TEMPLATE_IWSM_2022.ZIP includes the necessary files. Please do not use external bib-files and follow the guidelines IWSM_2022.pdf very strictly. Please do not alter or add additional packages to these files.

To ensure proper evaluation, abstracts should be approximately (but no more than) 4 pages. Due to the fact that the proceedings are archived electronically (as PDF) on the Statistical Modelling Society webpage and the PDF will be also available from the conference webpage, we encourage authors to submit their figures in colors.

For posters, we suggest using the format A0 and it must be in portrait orientation.

Legal Considerations

By submitting an abstract, authors agree to grant the organizers of the workshop the right to publish the contribute in the conference proceedings volume, to be distributed at the workshop.

The material should not have been published elsewhere before the workshop. The workshop does not claim copyright and authors are free to publish the same material elsewhere after the workshop. Authors should ensure that publication in the conference proceedings does not conflict with the rights of third parties, nor violate non-disclosure agreements or copyright laws.