Registration & Tickets

Before registering, please read the Terms&Conditions to find out payment options and cancellation policies.

Early bird registration until: April 29, 2022

Standard registration until: May 31, 2022

Late registration from 1st June, 2022 

COVID-19 update: please, note that according to the Italian Governament laws, from April 30th the Green Pass for Covid-19 will be not required.

1) Registration fee for the workshop with three different rates (and a early/standard/late rate):

  • Full fee (early/standard/late): 450€/480€/580€
  • Students with journal (early/standard/late): 280€/300€/400€
  • Students without journal (early/standard/late): 200€/220€/320€
Registration fee include conference registration, proceedings, welcome reception, a one-year membership to the SMS and the journal ‘Statistical Modelling’ (except for registration “without journal”).
In case of possible late cancelation of the event (Covid-19 is still a threat while we write) the amounts paid will be reimbursed (except from a small percentage to cover the administrative costs of the transaction).

2) Registration fee for the short course: May 31, 2022120€

3) Fee for the social excursion: 50€ 

4) Fee for the conference dinner: 60€ 


Students without journal

You may upload proof of status to support your application.


Students with journal

You may upload proof of status to support your application.


Full Fee

5 days conference

Social Program & Exursion

Excursion Cividale - Canceled

Founded by Giulio Cesare under the name of Forum Iulii – where the name Friuli comes from – in 568


Short course - Statistical Modelling of Football Data​

The course is aimed at giving the background of modern statistical football modelling, starting from the seminal works focused on

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors