IWSM 2022

International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Trieste, July 18-22, 2022

IWSM is one of the major activities of the Statistical Modelling Society, founded with the purpose of promoting and encouraging statistical modelling in its widest sense. The workshop aims to involve both academic and professional statisticians and data analysts with a particular focus on real data problems which involve an element of novel statistical modelling, or novel model application.

The atmosphere of the workshop is friendly and supportive, with no parallel sessions, with the aim of stimulating the exchange of ideas and experiences related to statistical modelling.

Papers focusing on applications with important substantive implications as well as methodological issues are welcome, including new developments in Data Science. Submissions by students and young researchers are particularly encouraged.

The SMS and IWSM strongly encourage students to submit posters and papers: best posters, papers and presentations from students will compete for some great awards!

IWSM 2022 is also sponsored by the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).

New information about the 36th IWSM will be continuously added on this website.

For further information please visit also the websites of the Statistical Modelling Society journal and of the history of the IWSM conference.

Note: this Conference is going to be in presence, so in case of the persistence of Covid-19 Pandemic the Conference will not be held online.

Please, note that according to the Italian Governament laws, from April 30th the Green Pass for Covid-19 will be not required.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at [email protected].



iwsm International Workshop on Statistical Modelling logo
sms statistical Modelling society logo

Keynote speakers

Important dates

Deadline call for oral presentation abstracts

Deadline for travel grant application (students only)

Early Registration deadline

Notification of review/acceptance to the authors

Deadline call for poster presentation abstracts

Short course registration

Short Course


The Program

Discover the Conference Program, the Short Course Program and the Speakers.

Explore the Venue and Trieste

Read more about the location where the Conference will be held and what to do in Trieste.

How to Register

Read more about the admissions fee and register to the Conference and the Short Course.

Submit your paper here!

Discover how to send your paper and submit it here to have it approved.